Hi, my name is Olle and I’m an Animator.

I’ve always been interested in creating stuff. I therefore started studying Digital Media where I got a Bachelor in Informatics. That then led me to a wonderful year at Hyper Island, the Motion Creative Program, where my interest in animation grew. After school I started freelancing before I moved to New York and became staff at Brand New School. After three years I moved back to Sweden and are now freelancing again.
I’ve had the pleasure to work with talented people on projects with clients like: Google, Nike, The Beatles, SiriusXM, OnePlus, Lego, FEMA, Toyota and BudLight.
Recently I started a video game company called Wishfully studios. I have the role as the Lead animator. We are creating our first game: Planet of Lana.
Please send me an email if you need help with any of the following: 2d Animation, 2d & 3D character animation, Animation Lead, Animation direction & Motion design.